
I’m realizing that I need a new approach to weekends. During the week I’ve got a nice routine with food, vitamins and meds… but on the weekend, I’m totally off schedule!

I haven’t been sleeping well this week, so I slept in until 9 this morning. I’m usually up around 7 to take my first dose of ursodiol, so I was 2 hours late for that, which then throws off the next 2 doses for the day. And I didn’t eat breakfast until almost 11, so now my food schedule is off for the day, too! And don’t get me started on my water… it’s 2pm, and I’ve had a grand total of about 8 ounces for the day!

There’s a part of me that really HATES being on a schedule and always has. But there’s another part of me that LOVES being on a schedule! Today is obviously a no schedule day, which isn’t working out so well. Being on a schedule takes the guesswork out of things. I don’t have to make decisions about what to do… I just follow the schedule! I’m feeling like the part of me that LOVES being on a schedule is starting to make some headway in the battle, because when I’m on track with food, water, vitamins, meds and exercise, i FEEL BETTER! Being on a schedule always made me feel like I couldn’t do what I want… but I’m starting to think that being on  a schedule really IS what I want!

So now I’m going to go drink some water and make a plan for my food and exercise for the week so I can make sure I have everything I need.

Turns out being on a schedule really isn’t such a bad thing!

Oh, and those 2 lbs from yesterday… .8 gone today, 1.2 to go!

2 thoughts on “Weekends

  1. I was a schedule freak in the beginning… but as time passed and I had less meds to take (carafate, etc.) it made water and food easier to manage. Weekends are still my downfall though. Always have good intentions but never seem to make it all happen. Even so, the weekdays are still pretty regular. But I know what you mean about love/hate the schedule!

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  2. Weekends are the hardest! I almost have to make sure I have my lunch bag filled with cheese or yogurt when I leave the house to run errands. I have also started putting a small Baggie of vitamins in my purse so I have them with me but it is so hard

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